Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What is love? Does any one really know what love is? It's said that love can not be expressed through words. It can only be expressed through actions. So one who does wrong and then tries to apologies with flowers, chocolates, and other gifts does it really mean they love you? No its just a way of buying you back. One who wants you just to lay in bed and then tells you that your the best, does that mean they love you? Hell No!! What about one who hits you, yells at you, and dislikes your loved ones do they love you then? Nope. Yes you are suppose to love someone for who they are, but what if they are hurting you are going to love them then? No not me. I love myself more then what I would love a stranger that I share certain things with. Love is one who cares about the person and would not stop them from doing important things in life they want to accomplish. They will not mistreat one another or dislike their family. Jealousy is definitely not a sign of love. A sign of jealousy is a bad sign. It can lead to being to controlling, and plenty of other worse things. When we are in love, and are with that one person, we feel like if it's only us to alone floating on a cloud. We feel like the happiest person in the world. When we are in love we don't just love how the person looks. We love how they are in the inside as well. Their personality. The way they treat our friends. The way they respect us. When we love some one we really don't care how they look. I could be in my pj's, hair a mess looking like a monster and he better still find me as the most prettiest girl in the world. Love is the best thing you can ever imagine. Only if it is used the proper way, and not just used to fool someone just to get by. So if you love someone take a moment to think. Just think for a few seconds and ask yourself do I treat this person the way I'm suppose to? Think of the reasons why you love that person, and not only wonder if they are happy, but wonder do they make you happy as well.